Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well, the trip back to SC was uneventful, but when I got home, it made up for it. There with the condition of my house. One of the students that was going to go to Burning Man dropped out. Most of that student's travel expenses were non-refundable. I've been preoccupied just getting it all together. I have not been very excited about the trip...

HOWEVER, now that things are fairly settled, I'm getting a little more excited. There will be no internet or cell phone coverage on the playa when everyone gets there, but if you want to see the build of the man, go to and hit the "building Black Rock city" link on the left. When I look at that, I get excited.

The preparations for this first trip have been really involved. I think next year will be easier because next year we will know how to ship, where to buy water, etc. etc. Thanks especially goes to my neighbors, Christopher and Jana, without whom I would be suicidal. It costs about $1000 a person to go to Burning Man, FYI, and that doesn't include the cost of actually bringing art to the playa.

We are journaling and video-documenting. There will be a big presentation later in the semester. And I promise to blog extensively when we return. We leave at 5:30am on Monday 8/31 and return 9/8 at 11:30 pm. I have to pick up the students at 4:15am. I don't know if it is even worth sleeping. (I hope I live through this...).

Think of me and my hot pink fishnets out on the playa.....

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